pool of blood

美 [puːl əv blʌd]英 [puːl ɒv blʌd]
  • 血泊
pool of bloodpool of blood
  1. The body was lying in a pool of blood .


  2. She was found lying in a pool of blood


  3. Looking down , she noticed a large pool of blood .


  4. The pool of blood and tears began to spin around .


  5. You woke up in a pool of blood this morning .


  6. He saw a big pool of blood and several severed limbs .


  7. They found a semiconscious man in a pool of blood .


  8. He lay unconscious in a pool of blood .


  9. Eg. The corpse lay face down in a pool of blood .


  10. This type of exchange between blood centers is a common practice and provides a national pool of blood when necessary .


  11. " Fatally shot , he lay in a pool of blood . "


  12. She started to leave the room but accidentally dropped the little golden key in the pool of blood .


  13. I saw the body of a boy in his20s lie in a pool of blood .


  14. The soldiers marched on , leaving their comrade 's body in a spreading pool of blood .


  15. The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation .


  16. Crouching beside her in a gathering pool of blood , he convinced himself that she would be fine .


  17. Some reports included photos showing a room where the attack was said to have taken place , with a pool of blood on the floor .


  18. The wet nurse went over to investigate . When she reached the other boat , the first thing she saw was a pool of blood !


  19. A witness said that Biagi was lying in a pool of blood , with his briefcase on the side .


  20. Put the pool of blood hot springs , mount for the " pool of blood " because it is one of the hot water pool of blood , and famous .


  21. He had bled like a cow in a Moslem slaughter-house and there was a great pool of blood by the side of the road .


  22. " I 'll do it with one of the rag rugs ," whispered melanie , looking at the pool of blood with a sick face .


  23. The neighbors came rushing in to find out what was the matter , and there in a pool of blood they saw the cow butcher Big Xu .


  24. Near the bed , in a tray normally reserved for disposing of used instruments , lay a fetus of five or six months , soaking in a pool of blood


  25. Unverified pictures on China 's Weibo microblog showed a person on a gurney being wheeled away by medical attendants and a pool of blood on the floor .


  26. Justice sources said last Friday the body of23-year-old Andreas Plack was discovered on Wednesday in a pool of blood in his home town in the far north of Italy .


  27. The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation ; and when the sun rose a hundred prismatic hues were reflected from it .


  28. De Wit was arrested on Saturday as he tried to flee in a taxi near Qazigund , 75 kilometres south of Srinagar , soon after the 24-year-old was found dead in a pool of blood in her houseboat cabin .


  29. He twitched once and lay motionless , his legs bent at unnatural angles , a pool of his blood soaking through the sand . [ qh ]


  30. And watched her die in a pool of her own blood .
